Personally, I first met Karl when I relocated to Brisbane a bit over a year ago. Karl organised two Alleycat races, the “4 hour rush” and “Missing Lanes” which were my first introduction to the Brisbane bicycle scene. This rag-tag community of bicycle messengers, bicycle lovers and fixed gear riders are now some of my closest friends in Brisbane. I remember nervously approaching Karl at the start of the 4 hour rush as he was taking down names and him slipping me a map on the sly because I was new to Brisbane and he didn’t want me to get lost.
My fondest memory of Karl though was an intense afternoon of polo at Musgrave Park in November 2008. It was Karl’s first try at Polo, and he put on a show for everyone by spending more time on the ground then on two wheels. It was on that afternoon that Karl invented his trademark call: “Karl’s ball”. At that stage Brisbane Polo was still about scraping together 6 people for a game. But soon after we were being overrun by mates of Karl who had heard about this crazy game.
I have put together a few photos of that one day in November. Rest in Peace Karl, you will be missed.
RIP Karl
You were an amazing guy so full of life and energy. I feel honored to have known you. My thoughts are with the brisbane crew and his family. You will be missed buddy. xo
Hi All
It's Karl's sister, Fiona here. A ride / alleycat in Karl's honour would be a very fitting tribute. You have our blessing to organise this.
All welcome at the funeral:
Wednesday 23 September, 2009
Albany Creek Crematorium, Albany Creek Road Bridgeman Downs
Details on the wake to be announced at a later date.
Thanks for the kind words and photos. You have captured Karl as we know him perfectly.
...and you'd better get out of the way when it's Karl's ball!
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